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Download dredd 4k

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Ruled by a fascist government who came into power as a result of all the chaos, the world is kept in some semblance of order thanks to Judges. As a result, Mega City One (the largest and home base of the reining government) is home to over 17,000 violent crimes a day.

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The cities, small towns and municipalities that are familiar to us have been replaced with the rest of humanity all hovering together in giant cities known as “Mega Cities”, packing all of the good, the bad, and the ugly together in close proximity.

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The world that we grew up in is no longer there, ravaged by the throws of nuclear devastation. Dredd is set in a dystopian future, where the world is a post-apocalyptic nightmare of chaos. Now fast forward over 25 years in the future we actually GOT a fantastic Dredd film with this new (but decidedly cheaper budget wise) take on Mega City One. As a fan of the Judge Dredd character, I die a bit each time I watch, though. It’s schlock, band beyond redemption, but I do have a weakness for films like that. I have to admit that I DO have a soft spot for Judge Dredd, but only as a Stallone vehicle, and ONLY with a lot of beer at my side. Filled up to the brim with all sorts of 90s cheese and pandering to Stallone’s star power, it never took the source material very seriously and what we got was only a REMNANT of the dark comic’s protentional. That 1990s piece of cheese almost killed any hope of seeing a true to the source adaptation of the British comic in my lifetime, and I pretty much put it out of my mind. Movie Dredd is back! And this time without the trappings of Sylvester Stallone and Rob Schneider to turn it from an incredibly bleak and dark satirical comic into the MESS that Judge Dredd was.

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